Kl30. The Syamantaka Jewel Poem by Rajaram Ramachandran

Kl30. The Syamantaka Jewel


The King Satrajit, a devotee ardent
From the Sun-God, got a present,
A jewel, "Syamantaka" like Sun-shine,
An invaluable brightest one.

Overwhelmed by this jewel,
He installed it in a temple,
When Krishna the Supreme,
Was bodily present with them.

Krishna gave him direction,
To hand it over as a presentation
To His grandfather Ugrasena,
The then King of Mathura.

Satrajit not only ignored the same,
But also offended Krishna's name,
His brother Prasena once took it,
And went deep inside a forest.

Prasena was killed by a lion.
It kept the jewel in its den,
For its sparkling radiance,
That illuminated its residence.

Jambavan, the bear king,
Noticed the bright sparkling,
The bear killed the lion
It took the jewel to its den.

The King Satrajit mistook Krishna,
That He killed his brother Prasena,
In an unkind way so merciless,
For the jewel just to possess.

To vindicate this blame,
Not to spoil His name,
Krishna went inside the den,
In a fight with the bear, He won.

He returned this jewel,
But Satrajit face down fell,
He gave it back to Krishna,
With his daughter, Satyabhama.

Jambavati, Jambavan's daughter,
Satyabhama, Satrajit's daughter,
Krishna's consorts both became,
As two partners of the Supreme.

Krishna returned the jewel
To be installed in a temple,
For the worship of the people,
As His act most merciful!

Rajaram Ramachandran

Rajaram Ramachandran

Chennai born, now at Juhu, Mumbai, India
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