Laboring Poem by Randy McClave


Though many times you have called
And not once have I answered the phone,
I am sorry that I had stalled
At that moment I needed to be wary and to work alone.
I was outside tending to my herd
And also I was out there fishing,
And of course I was reading the holy word
While on the calm waters I was dreaming and wishing.
I'm sorry at the time I couldn't help you
But, I hope that you can truly understand,
As I know that as well you were busy too
Farming on your beautiful land.
But, the busy time for me is now over
No longer am I covered with perspiration or sweat,
Now I'm a herder and not a drover
Now, currently there is no worries or fret.
I now feel peace and I'm feeling tranquil
I am relaxed and ready to help you my friend, my neighbor,
Confidence through hard work has strengthened my will
So, now please call me if you need me to help to labor.
I hope that you don't think that you I deliberately ignored
As if hoping unto others I wanted to impress,
Like you, I always give full praise unto our Lord
And like you, my soul was then full of worries and stress.
Now, I am calm and I am relaxed at the stable
I am relieved and happy with no sadness or pain,
So, please call me if you are able
But, please don't come over if you are Cain.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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