Lack Of The Muse Poem by Jonathan Goldman a.k.a JGthepoet

Lack Of The Muse

Lack of the Muse causes turmoil and stress
When words will not come to me, unless
I think hard and long, and seek words to find,
But where are they hiding, and what behind?

My Mind wants to write more poems today,
But my Thoughts and Words have gone away.
Try as I do, my Mind is blank,
And my Brain seems to be as ‘Thick as a plank’.

These Jottings I try into verse form,
The rhymes and scans escape me; it’s not the Norm.
Why must I worry? Why do I wait?
Why must this action, me frustrate?

My Thoughts they do hourly into verse go,
Sometimes they’re fast, often they’re slow.
But I must complete this; I know I must so,
To clear my Mind fully, and back to work go.

© Yisroel Yonatan Goldman [JGthepoet] - 22 September 2005

Sophia White 05 November 2006

I know exactly where your words flow from, Mr. Goldman. Many days I have sat with an empty page and idle pen, staring thoughtlessly, muselessly, wanting only some words to write. I, as the reader, can easily envision you, the poet, tapping your fingers in frustration as you wrote this. I am glad you did. Where, I wonder, lies the cure for this passing strange hindrance to the writer?

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Joy Vanderhelm 22 January 2006

What wonderful rhythym to this verse. It has good tone, as well. I like it a lot. A very creative way to talk about writer's block.

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