Leader Of The Pack Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

Leader Of The Pack

And beyond mind blowing.
That such a witnessed event,
Continues to get...
The incredible attention it does.
But it is.
Like a character written out,
Of TV show.
But refuses to allow,
The show to go on.
Or accept they have to go.

When the leader of a pack,
Of loyal and devoted followers.
Can not be convinced,
That no one wants...
A return of their leadership.
This can be compared to a child,
Accustomed to destroying toys.
But told no more,
They will do this to permit.

And when an adult can not understand,
The significance of a decision made...
By people who voted,
To replace this unique temperament.
Done with truth to present the evidence.
This to do,
Either is misunderstood.
Or the walls in one's 'attic',
Has been left permanently dimmed.
With a doing known and permitted shown.

"Your leadership,
Has been overwhelmingly...
Voted to be replaced."

-Stop with the jokes.
I am in no mood to be humored.
By rumors or faked news.
Who doesn't know I am the chosen.
Who doesn't know I am a genius.
Wealthy with status.
With an image so stunning,
Leaving the Sun...
Reluctant to rise at dawn.
And besides...
Why on Earth,
Would a people decide,
My abilities to pack stadiums...
Filled to capacity,
With cheering and roaring fans...
Is no longer wished,
To be for them delicious entertainment? -

"Hmmm...let's see.
It could be your ego? "


"Your lack of competence.
And proven disinterest,
To perform your duties as a leader."

-Oh, that! ?

"Or perhaps,
Your narcissistic attitude.
And your racist attacks,
On every race and their ethnic heritage."

-You know...
It shocks me how people take my comments,
So seriously.
Go on.
I hear every word you are saying.
I do.
Can you be,
More specific!
Get to the point.-

"The people.
Your supporters and followers.
And those pretentious who charade?
They just don't like you!
They have had enough of you.
Get that...
Through your thick head! "

-I'm getting excited.
Stop playing around.
Tell whoever sent you,
I'll pretend to be surprised...
When I open their Christmas gift.
Attempting to get me,
All worked up and emotional about...
Will not happen.
They should know that by now.
Teasing me like that.
I am the greatest leader,
Has ever known.-

"I tried my best."

-That you did.
Go tell the others,
My weeping is uncontrollable.
And I needed your assistance,
To stand on my own two feet.
After hearing such horrible news.-

"How would you like me,
To announce that? "

-Don't be ridiculous.
Like always.
Start sarcastically.
Then begin laughing!
When I hear applause,
I will enter the room.
How many times,
Do we need to rehearse this! ? -

Wednesday, December 16, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: political humor
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