Learning To Swim. Poem by Michael Walker

Learning To Swim.

Rating: 5.0

Fortunately the primary school I attended
had swimming baths, not too deep, not too shallow,
so that I learned to swim in Year Six.
The teachers knew all about water safety and basic skills.

Methodically, the instructors taught us to float on the surface,
move our heads side to side to breathe. What a breath of fresh air!
We learned to move our arms and feet in unison for movement.
The main stroke was freestyle or overarm, as we called it then.

The other strokes were either harder or produced slower movement:
backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly, all had disadvantages.
Many good things followed from my learning freestyle, however.
I would swim lengths of different pools, then get a summer suntan.

In my fifties I could swim forty lengths of Newmarket Olympic Pool.
Still at primary school, I won a certificate for distances swum:
I had stickers from 100 yards to 880 yards, lacking only the mile.
Unfortunately my certificate was lost, but I am very much in the swim
of things: I am not afraid to swim against the current either.

- 30 September 2020.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: life,sport
I was lucky to learn to swim while young, at primary school. It was a confidence building, step-by-step process. Later on, I did not bother with entering races, but I got much satisfaction from trying to swim as many freestyle lengths in various pools,as possible.
For various reasons, I gave up swimming several years ago.
Rajnish Manga 30 September 2020

primary school I attended.. had swimming baths I would swim lengths of different pools my certificate was lost.. but I am very much in the swim.... //.... That's an incredible achievement. I understand that swimming is the best whole body exercise which we may call' All-In-One'. Thanks for sharing. I learnt swimming when I was 21 at a water tank in a factory where my father used to work.

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Michael Walker 21 October 2020

You add some relevant, interesting details of your own swimming experience in a factory tank. 'I am very much in the swim'- I like to use words with a literal meaning, as metaphors for life.

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Bernard F. Asuncion 30 September 2020

A well authored poem. Truly delightful...5 stars*****

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Michael Walker 21 October 2020

A very insightful comment. You probably guessed that, in the last two lines, I was using 'swim' as a metaphor for my attitude to life.

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L Milton Hankins 29 September 2020

Very interesting. This is how we learn about different cultures. Thanks for the poem.

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