Lemon Is Lime, Nor Orange Poem by Aniruddha Pathak

Lemon Is Lime, Nor Orange

Rating: 5.0

Faces feign, flaunt many a mask strange,
Countless veils, copiously cunning range,
In mighty error still
Truth mirrors with a will,
Chameleons camouflage, feign a change,
One may hide behind mask—
Too tiny for the task,
But lemon can be lime, nor orange.
Most of us often wear a mask and think that we fool others. The truth however is, we are only fooling ourselves. For, we can't feign things for long. A chameleon knows his kind. And mirrors make no mistakes, nor are in errors. Face may feign, but still all in vain.
Reflections | 02.03.15 |

Thursday, April 11, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: change
Bipasha D 20 May 2019

A thought provoking interesting poem. Yes, we may deceive someone for a certain time but ultimately the reality will come out. I liked the analogy of lemon and oranges.

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Aniruddha Pathak 20 May 2019

Thanks indeed, Bipasha D, frankly it came handy because it was rhyming in a limerick. Only after that I thought about their inter-connection, lemon, lime, and orange. I like the way you choose poems for comments.

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Kevin Patrick 23 April 2019

Masks are the mirrors of self delusion, some live proudly behind them others live unintentionally behind them. When someone says they are fine, that could be a mask. Yet when it comes down to lemons can never be anything else. Interesting you picked lemon, in certain areas it can also be a term associated with a defective vehicle. Though I think your using the fruit. Either ways its another thought provoking poem!

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Aniruddha Pathak

Aniruddha Pathak

Godhra - Gujarat
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