Let Go And Let God (Dedicated To My Aunt Who Just Recently Passed Away) Poem by Miss Remy

Let Go And Let God (Dedicated To My Aunt Who Just Recently Passed Away)

Rating: 2.7

You have suffered auntie long enough,
You were brave strong and tough.
The battle you fought was long and hard,
But it’s okay auntie let go and let God.

It has hurt all of us when you left that day,
It left me broken hearted with nothing to say.
I don’t want to be selfish say please don’t leave,
Because I did not want to hurt or grieve.

I know in my heart you are in a better place,
But I swear im going to miss your beautiful face.
I am going to miss the talks we would have,
And the stories I would tell that would make you laugh.

God just needed you to come home,
Yes we know it has made your family sore.
You will always be remembered every single day,
From the smile on your face to the things you would say.

You have taken your space in heaven right where you belong,
Right up there with Charles, Grandma, Diane, and my mom.
Yes we all know that we need to be strong,
But through our family your memory will live on.

You don’t need to fight anymore just let go and let God,
While you were here on earth you did your job.
You did your part to keep family together,
that’s why you will remain in our hearts always and forever.

Sandhya 17 April 2018

Miss you

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Kay cole 18 February 2018

Needed to adf Danny titx, tom cole jr., and tom cole sr.

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Healh Care 07 May 2017

Hello YOU, Hope you're doing great today? You don't have to be sad or down, our health is our number one priority to stay alive, it's good to talk about our problems but more better to find solutions and results for them. You don't need your problem to weigh you down because you are strong and can't be down, a fighter is always up. Good health brings rest of mind and peace of the heart. if you wanna talk about your health issues (cancer, chronic pains) and get remedy, our doors are opened 24/7 hours, let's talk about your health issues and resolve your biggest health problem. treating cancer is not the issue but we have to work on our diet to fight the cancer cell in our system, there are lots of foods we need to abstain from that increases the growth of cancer in our body system, let's find that hidden secret and banish your cancer for eternity. THERE IS A CURE TO YOUR CANCER. Health Care® Email: healthcareremedy.24hrs@gmail.com We will respond as soon as we can. Thanks

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Ency Bearis 28 July 2008

A nice eulogy for your love Aunt..my sympathy... Best Wishes, Ency Bearis

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