Let The Silent Humanity Wake Up! Poem by Ramesh T A

Let The Silent Humanity Wake Up!

Humanity is silent ever whether good things happens
Or bad things happen in the world sans any reaction;
All peace loving communities never raise their voice
For fear of being affected or becoming cause for it!

Like herd humanity survives in the world making it
Very easy for the miscreants to indulge in antisocial
Activities in the name of religion or race or ism
To disrupt world peace one after the other nation..!

World peace depends upon the cooperation and coordination
Of all communities, societies and humanity as a whole
Knowing the culprits and taking necessary steps to stop
All conspiracies, calamities and catastrophes everywhere!

Unless the silent humanity wakes up to the grave situation
And involves itself in putting an end to violence forever,
There is no redemption from violence taking place here...
And there nonstop and making the world always reel in panic!

Saturday, May 4, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: peace
Kumarmani Mahakul 04 May 2019

For awakening lives with peace and love, human values should rise up. This poem is excellently penned nice poem.

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Ramesh T A 04 May 2019

Thank you for your good inference to love and peace can be achieved by enhancement of human value by developing moral consciousness in humans! Thank you so much, my friend!

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Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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