Let's Be Clear Poem by Randy McClave

Let's Be Clear

Let me be clear and get this straight
I never told you to hate,
And I never told you to judge others
Even if they are your sisters or brothers.
I never told you to do any of this,
Even after Judas gave me his kiss.

I don't care where they come from
Don't ever put them under your thumb,
And I don't care what they look like
Just because of their looks, don't ever strike.
I never told you to do any of that,
So, don't be a pestering, bothersome gnat.

I don't care who you are in love with
If you think that I hate them, that's a myth,
And I don't care who you have in your courtship
And I don't care how you worship.
I never once told you to forbid;
The Devil did.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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