Life # Abecedarian Verse Poem by Muzahidul Reza

Life # Abecedarian Verse

Rating: 4.9

Life # Abecedarian Verse
January 30, 2020

A mono syllabic word
Beginning and journeys start from the soul period
Center is the earth,
Duties start on from this temporary center
Ends in hereafter with entering heaven or hell,
Formally every phase is the most significant
Goal and success depend on this central deeds
How and what are done? (Of good and bad) ,

In all stages from center to end,
Journeys and stations it should introspect
Kindling exactly, after all
Longing for the absolute goal;

Meaningful should be, I say, must be its target
Nowhere it should be free from good activities,
Off time should be full of duties
Personal choices are valueless,

Quite solid, straight, curve, hard and easy paths
Respective liking here is very important,
So, let's attempt to reach its goal
To be really successful,

Universal and universality are great points
Vary varied these measurements! Why?
Worldwide waves the truth
X (a measured letter)free there is nothing,
Year after year goes life
Zero its main bag found ultimately! Why?

Fiadh Fida 31 January 2020

Universal and universality are great points Vary varied these measurements! Why? Worldwide waves the truth X (a measured letter) free there is nothing, Year after year goes life Zero its main bag found ultimately! Why? full of wisdom,10

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Fiadh Fida 31 January 2020

True aspects of life is truly penned here, it is a great philosophical and spiritual poem, celestial tones make it one of the most significant masterpiece, great done

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Mahtab Bangalee 31 January 2020

In all stages from center to end, Journeys and stations it should introspect Kindling exactly, after all Longing for the absolute goal; /// beautiful poem penned superb writing on Life through Abecedarian Verse

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Muzahidul Reza

Muzahidul Reza

Charaihatee; Mohangonj; Rajibpur.
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