Life In God's Embrace Is The Life True Poem by Mohammad Younus

Life In God's Embrace Is The Life True

Life in God's embrace is the life true,
A sacred river flowing down,
To the ultimate ocean of eternity,
Where one can escape the chaos of the world,
And find peace in the rhythm of the waves.
As God extends His long hand to draw us,
To His realm,
The life's truth is revealed in the depths,
We come to know the secret hidden,
That life is just a sacred water stream,
Flowing from and back to the God's ocean.

As souls return to the arms of God,
People realise,
Their connection to the One-reality.
Yet in the mystery of eternity,
They do not die in the real sense.
For they rise to a realm beyond our sight,
Where darkness fades,
And love's pure light gleams.
In the stillness of eternity,
They find eternal peace and serenity.
Freed from the chains of pain and sorrow,
They awaken to true enlightenment
about their essence.
So let not your hearts be troubled or torn,
For in the embrace of God,
We are immortal souls.
Realising the existence of One-reality,
Spirits soar on wings of grace,
In the boundless expanse of God's manifestation.
We can get peace and rest only in God's loving lap,
No more burden to bear, no more despair,
When we realise our true essence.
So do not complain about the tough life,
Rather celebrate life all the while in God's light,
Such that you find eternal solace and peace.
And as we journey on this life's journey,
Let us remember God in perpetual zikr,
For we have found the eternal love in Him,
From which we've grown.


Life In God's Embrace Is The Life True
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