Life Is A Teacher Poem by Raja Basu

Life Is A Teacher

Rating: 3.5

Life is a teacher, which teaches how to live.
Life is a teacher, which teaches how to win.
Life is a teacher, which teaches how to laugh.
Life is a teacher, which teaches how to make other people cry.
Life is a teacher, which teaches how to love.
Life is a teacher, which teaches how to hate.
Life is a teacher, which teaches how to win honour.
Life is a teacher, which teaches how to embarrass others.
Indeed, life is a great teacher as it teaches everything.
And in this very greatness lies life's weakness, that it teaches everything.
It teaches how to love, but also teaches how to hate.
It teaches how to help, but also teaches how to harm.
It teaches how to honour (others) , but also teaches how to embarrass (others) .
It teaches how to laugh, but also teaches how to make other people cry.
Wish life were a bit selective in its teaching.
But can't we be a bit selective in taking lessons?

Life Is A Teacher
Nimal Dunuhinga 13 October 2007

Certainly life is a school and I enjoyed your teacher poem.

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Preeti - is here! 23 May 2006

Wish we could be selective... loved the way this poem ended~ Preets

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Lãysha Nãzeer 28 September 2019

One of the best poems keep it up!

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Jyoti Rani 28 August 2018

Life is like a teacher

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JyotiRani 28 August 2018

Very good

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Brian Jani 19 May 2014

Life is truly the best teacher

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Naureen Ansari 26 September 2008

Lovely thoughts. You are right we must be selective in taking lessons from life.

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