Life Is Transient Poem by mamutty CHOLA

Life Is Transient

Thisworld of ours is like an inn
Our sojourn on earth is like a transit passenger

Whoever comes has to go
Death is definite without exception

I wonder at times why people are so arrogant
Even a second is not within our control, power

While alive make this life memorable
Live life for self, loved ones and others

Where you will get such beautiful world
Enchanting scenery, majestic rivers, might oceans

Ice covered mountains, crystal clear streams
Live sustaining vegetation, lush green forest,

Galaxy of stars moonlight, romantic rains
Care free birds in the sky, dancing peacocks,

Morning cool breeze, crystal dew, life enriching
Seasons of spring, rain, summer and autumn
Miles and miles vast deserts and ever changing dunes

Livelife share and spreadmessageof love
Our life being transient like bubbleson lake

We all come empty hands and go empty hands
Leave a mark on time canvass for posterity

Your wealth, fame, status, reputation and power
All will leave when time come for your to depart

Message of all religion is to spread smiles and
Serve poor; the biggest service to God

When we are gone, our good deeds
will keep us alive till eternity

Mahtab Bangalee 25 June 2018

life is our good deeds our good deeds is alive eternally and life is eternal with our good deeds......... but what is good deed? belief on GOD! Worshiping GOD! Fasting, making pilgrimage! sacrificing animal on the name of GOD! Praying confront of Wailing wall! Reciting Holy BOOKS! Oblations to GOD! Making GODS or GODDESS and worshiping THEM! Actually I don't know what good deeds are! conscience and within humanity I find here the good deeds in loving everyone!

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Anil Kumar Panda 01 May 2018

This is the true reality of life. But due to his ego man forgets the truth and behaves arrogant. nature has given us so much to enjoy. But pursuing wealth and fame we miss the natural beauty and live in constant squabbles. Thanks for sharing.10++++++

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Mamutty Chola 06 May 2018

Dear Mr Anil Please is mine..Appreciate you liked my poems, Sharing gaining I will revert after going through your poems have a pleasant Sunday. regards

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