Life's Choices Poem by Warren Brown

Life's Choices

I wonder if a man gets sick of playing "What If? "
It is a tantalising thought -
To wonder what might have been if you'd done… instead.

The forks in the road of life appear all unannounced
You thought you wanted to go west -
The goal was there, it was in sight, the place that you'll do best.

But Fate has dealt the hand that you hold now
So you must follow suit -
And a different view comes into focus to steal your mind away.

Like a sailor hearing the siren's call, you're headed for the rocks
You're bewitched, and bothered, and bewildered -
You're just not sure which instinct you should trust.

The known quantity or, should you take a risk and turn away?
So north you go, taken by a whim -
You hadn't thought of turning north, it never crossed your mind.

And so the years have past and all your oats are in the barn
You find its not only your tyres gone bald -
Look around, you've spouse, and kids, and property, goldarn!

So, sitting now, with pipe, and port, and slippers -
You contemplate "What if? " -
Well, you'll never know Old Son, you didn't stick to the plan!

Author: Warren Brown

Thursday, July 20, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: poetry
Kumarmani Mahakul 20 July 2017

You find its not only your tyres gone bald - Look around, you've spouse, and kids, and property, goldarn! ....beautiful expression. I appreciate this poem. Thanks for sharing.

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Gajanan Mishra 20 July 2017

look round and live, good write..

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