Light Breeze Poem by Tom Billsborough

Light Breeze

Rating: 2.8

Is never ever never?
I on my western
You on your eastern shore,
Mine the sunset, yours the dawn,
Colour the grey expanding waters of time.
Light breeze, sea breeze,
Stirring up desire, the melting waves.
Call up you features, your image
Clearer and worth far more
Than any sight, experience, I know.
Is never ever never, love?

Thursday, June 23, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: love
Michael Walker 12 March 2017

The first alexandrine I have read for a while-subtle, successful. A good point about mental images compared to actual seeing.

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Tom Billsborough 13 March 2017

It was inspired by a Provencal piece by Foulquet of Marseilles. Which goes: Ligur aoide, Si n'ous vei, dompna dont plus mi cal negus vezur mon bel pensar no val. Translated by Ezra Pound as Light breeze and if I see you not, Lady I value the most, no sight is worth the thought of you.. He probably said it to all the Ladies! Mind you Dante put him in the third heaven so maybe there was just the one!

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Sriranji Aratisankar 21 July 2016

Good piece of work. Tom again 10 for you.

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Tom Billsborough

Tom Billsborough

Preston Lancashire England
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