Light-Bearer Poem by Gert Strydom


As something in the being, in the soul and spirit,
a person is sometimes chosen to carry light:
a presence that comes without a person asking for it,
people want to take it: want it to be their own,
where it elevates a person, do protect and heal,
other people view it as material, but no one can ask for it,
those that want to take it are prosecuted by themselves:
it chooses by itself what it fills: both the heart and body,
where the body is a home, a living temple,
when it lives in the being of a mere human,
it fills, without a person having control over it,
with supernatural abilities it has a connection,
as something more than just the Lord God living in me,
that scorches those that want to take it to dust and ashes.

Something spiritual, that is part of a relationship,
is maybe the only way to describe this light:
not as darkness that do control the will and existence,
where both Gabriel and God Himself as Michael do protect:
do touch the thoughts, abilities and words,
do give something great when a person as a mere human writes,
this is at heart, not as something to elevate the body,
that wants to touch the heart, soul and spirit of other people:
where the whole world is now going to hell,
that which is low and evil and dark comes out:
to take, to destroy and to spend and to leave nothing,
as if man exists inhumanly, rough and barbaric;
this light chooses a person as a temple, it's not disguised:
in a mortal human it has supernatural scope,
to look through others and to really know.
© Gert Strydom

Gert Strydom

Gert Strydom

Johannesburg, South Africa
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