...Like Home Poem by Jim Yerman

...Like Home

A sight…a sound…a touch can awaken a memory
and in that memory a moment is revived…
And even a simple aroma…can make a memory come alive?

Cookies baking in the oven…is a smell I'll always adore,
clothes fresh out of the dryer…fried chicken in the store.

The smell of rain…a bubbling pizza, …strawberries…
an afternoon barbecue…
an orange…a watermelon, …a fresh peach…
that perfect honeydew…

Onions caramelizing on the stove, …cooking garlic in a pan,
bacon…donuts…Coppertone—you know that stuff that makes you tan.

The salt and the sand at the ocean…dogwoods blooming in the trees,
popcorn, …a newborn baby…the smell of a mountain breeze.

Chocolate, …vanilla, …a Christmas tree…apple pie that's al-a-mode,
coffee brewing in the morning…grass…once it's been mowed.

The smell of books…almost any flower…a gardenia…a carnation, …a rose
peanut butter when you first open the jar…the smell of a loved one on your clothes.

Grandma's perfume or Dad's cologne when I smell them in the air…
makes me stop and think about them…as if they were standing there…

These are some of the aromas…over the years that I have known
Feel free to close your eyes a moment…and add some of your own…

And relive the magic of aromas…for wherever we may roam…
We know we're smelling so much more…
We're smelling love
We're smelling home.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: memories,smelling
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