...You Gonna Play? Poem by Jim Yerman

...You Gonna Play?

It was during Taylor's 18th birthday party…when I heard somebody say…
"The next game will be dodge ball…Hey, PopPop…you gonna play? "

"Sure! " I said knowing it's been years since I ever played that sport…
knowing I don't dodge like I used to…
knowing I‘d be the oldest player on the court.

But I threw, and dodged, got hit, and dodged…
You might say I was ‘in the zone'…
And, yes, there were so many players better and me…
but for an old guy…I held thy own…

I'm not sure how many games we played …but with each game…more energy I'd exert…
When we finally finished for the night…there wasn't a part of me that didn't hurt.

And though it seemed like just a dodge ball game…to anyone on the floor
To this 64 year old grandpa…it was really so much more.

Because, as I watch my grandchildren grow up…as I see time moving by so fast
I want to cherish every minute we have together…I want to make each moment last.

It's simple really…whenever we have the chance to be together…whenever our calendars align
I want to be a part of their lives…and I want them part of mine…

Besides…I'll join in all their games, when asked, and do what my grandchildren do…
Because, somehow, staying a part of their lives helps keeps me younger too!

And so…no matter how old I get…
My eyes will twinkle when I hear somebody say…
"The next game will be dodge ball…
Hey, PopPop…you gonna play? "

Friday, June 16, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: family,grandparents
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