Listening To The Earth Poem by Jim Yerman

Listening To The Earth


My feet have been vital to me on my walks throughout the years but every now and then I like to do my walking…with my ears.

My feet know where they're going…after all…they've been with me since my birth…and every now and then I let them lead the way so I can listen to the Earth.

Sometimes I'll close my eyes and hold my breath…and the moment that I do…I find I'm able to hear it's heartbeat…how the Earth is breathing too.

Her breathing is the wind…from her strongest gust to her gentlest breeze as she exhales across my face on her way to making music with the trees.

Many people think it is the sun that begins the day but I know just before the dawn…it is the wind that awakens the plants and animals…for I have heard them yawn.

I know how trees are related…I've heard them talk to one another…
I've heard them laugh and kid and play and argue…just like sisters do…and brothers.

Not only have I had the privilege of listening to the trees…but when my ears are walking I've listened to the crickets…to the birds…to the rabbits and the bees.

And on those days I have been blessed to walk along the shore…with the wind whistling in my ears…I have heard the ocean roar.

In Autumn I have listened to the falling leaves as they flutter to and fro…and in Winter as it drifts down…I have listened to the snow.

In Springtime I have listened to the rain…I've heard the flowers dream
In Summer…in the mountains I have listened to the streams.

I can only say how wonderful…how exciting…how enchanting…and how sweet…
It's been to live a life…twice blessed by my feet….

Blessed for all the places they have taken me since my birth…
and blessed for all the chances they've given my ears to listen to the Earth.

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