Little Jazzie Poem by RoseAnn V. Shawiak

Little Jazzie

Writing helps keep feelings at bay, but only for a
while as tears spill about in terms of endearment
for our 'little Jazzie'.
Such a perfect puppy, smart, intelligent, crystal
blue eyes that turned red when light hit them in
the darkness.
Saddened days ahead without her by my side, because
she died this morning around 8: 15 a.m.
Jazzie was sunshine in our lives, cheering us up
when she sensed that we were sad.
Now she's not here to comfort us anymore and she's
missed exceedingly - another eternal night of the soul
has entered life today.
Farewell to little Jazzie, we will miss you forever
on earth as you play in heaven with your mom, Hershey
One day we will be reunited and we all look forward
to our reunion.

(6: 56 p.m. - 8/8/08)

Daniel Brick 06 January 2016

The term PET for many of us has been replaced by COMPANION ANIMALS because it shows the real nature of the bond we have with our Jazzies. They do share our experiences and their reactions become part of our store of memories. I lost my 2 1/2 inch canary TRISTRAM this past autumn and your poem consoles that loss too. size, intelligence, health make no impact; what matters is personality and loyalty. And companions animals are to be treasured for both traits. Wonderful cherished words!

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