Long Walk To Freedom Poem by Dr. Ahmed Gumaa Siddiek

Long Walk To Freedom

Pome by Dr. Ahmed Gumaa Siddiek
• Dedicated for the Young CAMP Walkers in Sudan
• Dedicated to Dr. Abdemoinm Ali Yagoup

Wait not for freedom
For freedom do not wait
Just walk and haste
Do not be late
It will never come to knock your gate
And will never be served on plate
So, it is your fate, to walk to freedom my son
To have your freedom done,
You will have to walk or would better run
Towards and beyond the Sun
tossing your head in the air
Like an eagle, you never look down
You never yield to the ground
Your eyes, a Greyhound's **
Would never miss his prey
But looks forward
Towards his reward
With sharp eyes
Able to pierce through the midnight
And ready to fight
Freedom - my son - is your right
It is your natural right
But it is far and high
Far as the red star in the sky
But, it is within your reach
If you are keen to walk and fetch

• Long Walk to Freedom: Autobiography of Nelson Mandela
• Greyhound: Noble race of hunting dogs

Anil Kumar Panda 18 August 2016

To get true freedom one has to fight and get it. It does not come to one itself. Nice poem. Full of inspiration it has a nice flow.

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Ahmed Gumaa Siddiek 18 August 2016

Sure, Anil. Thank you for sharing feelings.

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