Loretta Recites Her Daily Rosary Poem by Daniel Brick

Loretta Recites Her Daily Rosary

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When the pale winter sun gently
lifts creatures from their sleep,
you are already awake, sorting
in your mind this day's service.

There are sons and daughter to consider,
all fourteen of them, and grandchildren
to bless, along with friends far and near,
all of them people you hold dear.

When you reach your chair and settle
beneath a favorite blanket or two,
your soul rejoices, and you are ready
to recite your daily rosary, dedicating

its grace to those people you hold dear.
Your rosary lies coiled in its beads
and chain, but springs into your hand.
It is a small miracle in the morning,

but greater ones are poised to happen.
In a faraway cathedral, young nuns sometimes
accompany you in their angelic voices.
Or it is your private devotion which

rises heavenward. You begin with the first
of five "Our Father's", that primal prayer
taught to humanity by God Himself to worship
God Himself in the Mystery of the Trinity.

The whole of Creation knows
this prayer: "Thy Will be done on earth
as it is in Heaven." All fate, all fortune,
all destinies are contained within

the Will of God, and the Grace of Heaven
descends on those you hold dear
who accept this divine truth in their hearts
even as they receive the benefits of your prayers.

Is this not the larger miracle? That your daily
prayer rises to Heaven and then spills back to earth
with blessings for everyone you love. When you recite
the repeated "Hail Mary's", the Mercy of God,

embodied in His beloved Mother, descends to earth
like a perfect summer day in the depth of winter.
Do not call this a miracle. It is merely the blessed
result of your natural prayer and Heaven's grace.

Saturday, January 20, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: prayer,religion
Bharati Nayak 21 January 2018

Is this not the larger miracle? That your daily prayer rises to Heaven and then spills back to earth with blessings for everyone you love. When you recite the repeated Hail Mary's, the Mercy of God, - - - - - Prayers with deep faith do miracles.

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