Lost Poem by Sandra Fowler


Rating: 4.9

The lonely landscape whispers of itself.
Yesterday's shadow overtakes the field.
Lost in such thoughts we wonder what to do?
Bones are not strong enough to turn sunset.

Windows of home shine over the next hill.
Why must warmth always seem so far away?
Perhaps it might come closer if the dusk
Could understand the human need for light.

For all those who have lost their way.

Previously published The World Poets Quarterly, China

Melvina Germain 20 September 2007

Thanks for these beautiful and touching words Sandra. I'am one who lost her way a long time ago and with the patience of others and the Love of God, found my way back to the light. thankyou Sandra for this beautiful writing.--Melvina--

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Daffodil Decarie 17 November 2007

Amazing, I can clearly hear the voice of the speaker. Beautiful work :) Thank you

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Tom J. Mariani 21 November 2007

I keep coming back to re-read this one. While I think there is an infinite nember of dregrees of lost, you poem seem to address them all. I just finished reading Bill Styron's battle with severe depression and his frank discussion of it. I have started Sandra M Gilbert's collection of poems, 'ghost volcano' where she deals with being lost after the sudden death of her husband. From my personal experience of feeling 'lost' your images of the warmth always seeming far away is accurate. I certainly did not have the strenght or the will to move towards the light, even though I knew it was there. I am thankful I was patient enough to wait until the light came to me. Tom

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Emma Johnson 29 November 2007

Worshippers of light and warmth, you and I will always correspond. Sorry for delay in comments. Susie xx.

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Mary Naylor 21 January 2008

What a hauntingly beautiful poem!

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Anjali Sinha 28 November 2008

Lost yes Lost am I in this amazing sea of words beautiful write ++10 regards anjali

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Mary Naylor 26 October 2008

You've captured that lost feeling through your fragil, yet powerful, imagery!

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premji premji 26 September 2008

some times couple of lines are enough to nourish my soul for years... happy am i...since some of them belong to you...

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Ashraful Musaddeq 09 September 2008

10 for this wonderful poem. Nice imagery.

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Subbaraman N V 26 August 2008

Message is indeed appreciable!

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Sandra Fowler

Sandra Fowler

W. Columbia, WV, USA
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