I remember
vividly those serene eyes,
shining bright,
emotion in them

Yes, miles away
your voice distinct,
far away
a cry is heard.

I want to be your fragrant musk,
I want to be that soft breeze that gently touches your soul,
I want to be that fire, which enflames your heart,
I want to bathe in the ocean of your passions,

The flood of recession
has shaken the foundation
of house of hope,
built on land of optimism

On this day,
to your Pa and Ma
a condign star was born.
A precious one,

I will touch you as
breeze touches the tender leaves
or water touches a shoal of fish

I was just an innocent
Caught in a whirlpool of puerile dreams,
Every second I spent with you,
Really was a dream come true.

I am,
God the creator
Loving father,
Forgiving incarnate,

From the blood of my heart
The words that I write
Each word that haemorrhaged
The chiseled groove of my heart did tell

The morning dawns,
with the pellucid rosy tint on the buds,
The rustle of the perfunctory cool breeze, .
awakens the birds and the bees.

Was there a need,
For thou,
To say I’m sorry.
thou called me divine,

The rising sun has yet to glow
In his resplendent glory,
The moon has not even begun her descent
But I’m here on the shore,

Romantic rains falls
Sky leans on the earth to give
mouth watering kiss

The morning
feels cool and crisp.
Smells of the fragrant earth
reeks the air,

Hail Queen of Heavens,
Mother of Mercy,
Mystical Rose,
You steadfast maid

As you lay on my lap, I awoke one night
Trying to stop the juggernaut of dreams
Sweet as u lay, on my lap like cream
In those dreadful dreams,

a pretty face,
Chaste as Minerva,
gorgeous as the Belgian lace,

mere words,
Mind’s birds.
Alpha to omega,

Moth was asked
by a smiling flame,
“You” ready to play
the alluring game.

Wondering! ! ! ! !
Thoughts and fantasies reeling,
When asleep-things I wish
Wish no fear


*** Your Beautiful Eyes *** In Top 500 Poems

I remember
vividly those serene eyes,
shining bright,
emotion in them
Sparks my blood to rise

Thy teary eyes divine,
Speak with love and tenderness,
Eyes, a million stars in them
The picture of innocence.

Eyes seeking me -
like that first dew
on the new viridescent blade of grass.

Your eyes my matinal star
Your eyes my middays sunshines,
your eyes my vespers twilight,
your eyes an oceanic depth,
your eyes my autumnal hues,
Your eyes wild jasmines
Fragrant at nights,
Like that sunflower
Gazing the afternoon sun.

Let the peacocks vauntingly dance,
let the nightingales melodiously sing,
let the flora and fauna flourish,
like spring in prosperity,
in felicitation,



Dr. Ratan Bhattacharjee 17 January 2010

U write so fine, any common reader can become majnu anyway.

5 2 Reply

Will thy pen be foever silent or will raindrops of water the poetic landscape with uniqueness and excellence again?

6 0 Reply

Will thy pen be foever silent or will raindrops of water the poetic landscape with uniqueness and excellence again?

6 0 Reply

Will thy pen be foever silent or will raindrops of water the poetic landscape with uniqueness and excellence again?

5 0 Reply
Dr. Ratan Bhattacharjee 17 January 2010

Laila could not write poems. But my laila can....

5 0 Reply
yulisa 03 April 2019

i love your poems alot sincerly yulisa

1 0 Reply
Sadiqullah Khan 13 March 2017

Where are you, any new poetry?

2 0 Reply

Holiday blessings to you my dear Anjali. All the best to you now and forever!

3 1 Reply

Hope you are doing well and that you would soon return to wear your crown again.

6 0 Reply

Looking forward to read your next masterpiece. Do let me know when you have posted it!

5 0 Reply



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