Lost In Transit Poem by Akhtar Jawad

Lost In Transit

Rating: 5.0

The long awaited mail,
that did not come,
and the teen aged girl,
beautiful and naughty,
turned in an old lady.
Her beauty was lost,
still there was a grace on her face.
Her naughtiness was stolen by her grandchildren.
While she was playing with them,
the postman came and delivered a letter to her,
an envelope from the post office,
with a covering letter,
regretting they took sixty years,
to locate the addressee,
whose address was not correctly written on it.
It had another envelope inside it,
and in that was a pink paper,
someone has replied her,
"I love you, too."
Two drops of tears fell down on it
and smell of tears merged
with the fragrance of pink paper.
Yes, it was lost in transit,
its aroma was not lost!

Lost In Transit
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: love and life
Valsa George 29 October 2016

Your fancies run riot.....Akhtarji! The unexpected turn of events must have given her back her lost youth! Great imagination!

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Kelly Kurt 27 October 2016

A powerful and emotional piece.60 years disappear quickly but return even quicker

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Rajnish Manga 27 October 2016

Extremely poignant. The irony lies in the affirmative reply from a lover to his beloved but the letter, due to an incomplete address, was delivered to the lady sixty years later. Beautifully crafted poem with an emotional denouement. Thanks for sharing.

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