Love And War Poem by Ahtesham Sham

Love And War

A great tug of war was being played
between Love and War
at abode of God

Love; God's favorite courtier,
looks confident as
his support in court is high
as it always has been
Everyone is cheering for him and
for his team

On other side; War,
Face distorted with
all the adventures he had
Smirking! ! !
As he is trying to say
He had to change something today

Match started and it ended
Affection, Warmth and Intimacy
fought well at Love's side
but they were no match for War
and his men; Misery, Hate and Agony
War stands now as a champion
No one know how and why it happened
Everyone at court is saying
this shouldn't be Love's destiny

No matter what they all say
Love lost in front of God
and from that day on
God had a new favorite in his court
and that golden chair beside throne
where once Love use to sit
is given to War - and with it
God's support

Now where once was world
filled with Love and Affection
There is none to be seen now
Only Hatred and Misery prevailing
and God is watching from above
his world getting blown up

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