Love As Profound As Divine Poem by Mohammad Younus

Love As Profound As Divine

Rating: 5.0

Love as profound as divine,
I am sure you would never find,
But only when your self is... pure as newly fallen snow;
I Wish you could ever ever know...
...the extremes of His love for you;
That you are unaware about!
Exposing the secret is sinful indeed,
But, I want to shout it out loud!

At times I picture myself together...
...with Eve my mate in the lost paradise;
In my sweetest dreams that bring...
...the Garden of the eternity...
...verily close to me - in front of my eyes!
As real as it may have been!
Embracing with each other so tightly!
Though God had expressly forbidden me... come near to that forbidden tree;
God had instead implicitly commanded me... hold only Him close to me - exclusively;
I rather kissed Eve very much passionately...
...ignoring the breath of God that He had inspired... me when He conceived of me lovingly!

Oh I am gonna losing my secrets now!
'Hold your hidden secret', He voices me suddenly;
With my heart pounding, I quiver at this voice;
But, then, He hugs me so affectionately...
...I feel warmth in my soul and I melt down... an icicle on a hot summer day!
I realise that I am not a separate frozen entity!

I stand astounded, having seen that I have...
...the ocean of oneness in me!
I love the ocean more since the day...
...the divine Providence Kissed up on my eyes...
...and whispered in my ears the sweet song of eternity!
My Darling Unity! hold me so tight, and don't ever let me go!

I wish my state of realising the absolute unity continues!
And my dream doesn't end ever - a dream so vivid!
With you beside me manifesting from every atom!
I wish my holy vision of unity in diversity goes on and on!
Till The Eternity ceases to show up itself in duality or multiplicity.


Love As Profound As Divine
Geeta Radhakrishna Menon 23 November 2022

A vision of unity, so beautifully written. Divine love is profound, eternal and blissful. Top score

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