Love Is But A Name But It's Still Love Poem by James McLain

James McLain

James McLain

From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By

Love Is But A Name But It's Still Love

Rating: 5.0

Have you ever known it by a differant name, than
the name that we call love?
Could you prey upon that special one the one you
said you loved.

Do you know that special road the road that leads
that way?
Do not ever turn your back on love the other roads
to sad.

Monday, November 30, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: love and life
Bri Edwards 15 December 2020

2 - No, I've never " known it by a differant name, than the name that we call love? " oops! i NOW see " differant" , not different. i missed it earlier. :) I think the last line is good advice! But, if love 'turns its back on me', i tend to walk in the opposite direction. to MyPoemList I wish you well. bri ;)

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Bri Edwards 15 December 2020

1 - James, I'm glad to read a recent poem by you! And i'm glad to report i only found two 'typos', ...found in the last three words, assuming you meant " road is" /road's, not 'roads', and " too" , not 'to'. I'll give you a pass on them....THIS TIME. cont.

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James McLain

James McLain

From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By
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