Love Only Can Make All Live Life! Poem by Ramesh T A

Love Only Can Make All Live Life!

If love is not physically possible to experience, then dream;
Dream of love composed of imagination lives ever in heart;
Heart is where love starts to generate bright light long;
Long existence of love makes life to go on ever in the world!

World is the only place in the Universe love and beauty live;
Lives of all are sustained by beauty of love to sustain long;
long duration of life of many are possible by love of truth..;
Truth is the base of love that makes all enjoy true joy ever!

Ever no force has overcome the power of love in the long run;
Run of all days and nights on a peaceful base is by love only;
Only love has the spell to make all ills become nil by its sway;
Sway of love only can make all convinced to accept all as good!

Good things of life are possible only due to the efforts of love;
Love only can make all live life whether it is good or bad by fate!

Sunday, March 3, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: love
Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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