M-As Intoarce / I Would Return Poem by Magdalena Biela

M-As Intoarce / I Would Return

Rating: 5.0

... atâtea dulci dureri în carnea primăverii,
când moartea e doar un pariu al primului sărut,
și-n ochiul obosit se perindă năvalnic
ceruri cu tot strigătul lor mut,
m-aș întoarce în nodul pe care l-am făcut
cu sufletul și poate acum
l-aș dezlega, e-atât de târziu....
cobor în vis o scară ruptă de vânt
și mi-e frig,
pe-o stradă pustie
din fâșii de hârtii sfâșiate
în cuvinte m-adun...

- - - - - - - - - - - - -
I would return

... so much sweet grief in the spring flesh,
when death is just a bet of the first kiss,
and in the tired eye passes impetuously
heavens with all their mute cry,
I would return into the knot I made
with the soul and maybe now
I would untie it, it's so late....
I descend into the dream a ladder broken by wind
and I'm cold,
on a deserted street
from strips of torn paper
in words I gather myself...

M-As Intoarce / I Would Return
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: translation
Mahtab Bangalee 10 April 2019

I would return into the knot I made with the soul and maybe now I would untie it, ..///touchingly wrote

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Magdalena Biela 10 April 2019

Thank you In the name of ALICE PUIU! ! !

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Sandra Feldman 10 April 2019

The search, the search, always lost within the search. Never reaching, the safe port we always search. Great poem. Powerful and deep.

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Magdalena Biela 10 April 2019

Sandra, my Kind, you are like me, you feeel the great gift of poetry there where it exists! Blessings!

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