Magic Poem by Cynthia Osta


I believe in magic i do
I believe love can be pure and innocent like early summer morning rays
I believe we live to live love.. and share it
I believe we are all sons and daughters of the sun

Threads of energy emitting energy to one another.
Even darkness takes on the light.
Darkness is all made of light. Y
es, even black.
Black isn't a color, black is all colors absorbed not emitted back outwards.
It is packed with heat.
Its the actual selfishness from excess of love,
but it is love.

Threads of energy emitting energy to one another.
Thats what we are.
Connecting through chemistry,
vibrating through and from each other,
communicating through waves of thoughts inter-related to one another,
relevant, similar, same.

You sure know this other language we dont really understand but somehow communicate with and through so perfectly,
its like magic when the magic is there between two of us.


It only takes seconds when the magic is there,
from the first instants, we look at each other like looking straight at a mirror
A beautifying one or..
Rather an enchanted one

An enchanted mirror..

And you, with this magic, in this mirror,
look like a curious fog of interest and excitement
taking beautiful forms,
shaping into wonderful figures,
changing color waves..rainbow colors;
condensing and diluting in the thin air,
heading steadily maybe towards the fountain of life in me: love.

Darkness, though, all around u,
around your strong and vibrant glow of life, love.
Not an offending darkness,
a darkness completing the sequence that was all about only you.
Darkness portraying the reality of your outward energy absorbed by the black.
Black, the sum of all wavelengths,
all light absorbed.

In just the following seconds,
the mirror got you (or was it me?)all enchanted.
At that second all of a sudden you and your reflection, who's reflection was it initially?
Yours or mine?
or have we just melted with this magic, in this mirror?
Have we just lost and won the universe in a moment of time?

Saturday, November 18, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: love,magic
The random meeting of two souls ment to find each other.
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Cynthia Osta

Cynthia Osta

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