Man Is Yet To Be Cocksure In Rality! Poem by Ramesh T A

Man Is Yet To Be Cocksure In Rality!

All are living mechanical life in the modern materialistic world;
But animals, birds and fish live ever in Nature in harmony with it;
Catastrophe due to natural disasters they know by instinct to escape;
Dangers like tsunami, earthquake, tremor we can't know by intellect!

Every being in the world are products of Nature we should not forget;
Foreign objects from far off Space, flying saucers and aliens we know;
Great gadgets they used were too far ahead of our technological feats;
However, we have not dropped our efforts to other stars and work hard!

Intelligence of those ancient astronauts we are yet to compete sure;
Joining hands with them only we can develop to their levels and so, to
Keep in touch with them by communication, we try yet to establish;
Learning by doing is wisdom, which we have to put into practice ever!

Many billions of miles we have to travel to go to Stars near by;
No human efforts can help this possible except through robots there;
Outer Space exploration of life and possibility to live there we try
Putting all sophisticated technology in use sans knowing our Earth!

Quite a lot we have to know of our Earth to predict happenings next;
Resolving all those things first, we have to safeguard our Earth;
Star dwelling aliens' technology may help us to up-date our stage;
That doen't mean we are well equipped to try that sans knowing Nature!

Universe is vast area of research needing knowledge of Nature best;
Various scientific laws we are yet to link to have them as one theory;
What we know is handful, but what we have to know is Earthful ever!

X, Y, Z we have detected by intellect, but we are not so by instinct;
Yet we have to find way to know prediction by instinct and intuition;
Zeus in heaven perhaps may be laughing at our cock-sureness in pity!

Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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