Man's Poverty Poem by Randy McClave

Man's Poverty

Though he was born in poverty
We're no better you or me,
His hands are clean, but ours are dirty
And we present ourselves as Lordly.

We might have the money that daddy left
We even might have all the wealth,
But, comparing him to you or I
He has the salvation, and the health.

We have bought and wore expensive clothes
And we wear very pricey rings,
We talk about banking and foreclosures
He has nothing, but his heart sings.

We are none no better than what he his
Neither is our wives or our kids,
They are spoiled and they are also brats
They do what God forbids.

Our lives have always been full of luck
That's the best way to describe our living,
We had two parents and they had good jobs
Education and work our community was giving.

He might live in a old cardboard box
While our houses are beautiful and full of fashion,
But, someday we'll have no more caviar or stocks
And his home will then be a great mansion.

You can't take it with you they always say
And your beliefs will lead you were you're at,
And when our judgement does comes nigh
We'll only be remembered for this and that.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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