May And The Poets Poem by James Henry Leigh Hunt

May And The Poets

Rating: 2.8

There is May in books forever;
May will part from Spenser never;
May's in Milton, May's in Prior,
May's in Chaucer, Thomson, Dyer;
May's in all the Italian books:--
She has old and modern nooks,
Where she sleeps with nymphs and elves,
In happy places they call shelves,
And will rise and dress your rooms
With a drapery thick with blooms.
Come, ye rains, then if ye will,
May's at home, and with me still;
But come rather, thou, good weather,
And find us in the fields together.

Ruta Mohapatra 06 July 2020

Ah! The glory of May! Thanks for sharing!

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Varsha M 06 July 2020

Indeed may is everywhere May is the good weather The rainy gather That cleanse every evil With the first pour of showers. Beautiful conception and presentation. Well written. Admirations and congratulations.

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Mahtab Bangalee 06 July 2020

the dream of thought sleeping with nymphs and elves in the old books of myths; it's modern age, post modern to ultra modern now no need the luscious body of the nymphs let's come to the open breast of the nature not the dream; let's enjoy it naturally........

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Edward Kofi Louis 06 July 2020

Blooms of May! Rooms to say in; Ray of hope! ! ! Bay of peace. Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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