Me The River -Fore Word Poem by Suresh Kumar EK

Me The River -Fore Word

Rating: 5.0

I was flowing, I was galloping
I was spreading, I was living
Through that emerald jungles
Growing among the green valleys.

Not so cool now, not so clear, as
I was descending from the heights
The soft-touch of lush greenery
Is not supporting me nowadays.

but when I reverse my flow
And move backwards in time
It becomes my life, my paths
My story for you, my dears.

let me unfold the unclean
Banks of my real lifespan
Before you smoothly and
Plainly, nothing to hide.

Even though my shores are
Muddy and dirty, now my deep
Inner heart is still innocent
Beautiful, blue and crystal clear.

get ready to hear my story
Lend me your ears and hearts
Listen to it from my birth,
My struggling, passion, peace
My stagnation and destination.

Sk Nambiar 04 November 2020

The personification of the river is classic poetry

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Valsa George 01 September 2020

Even though my shores are Muddy and dirty, now my deep Inner heart is still innocent Beautiful, blue and crystal clear. Love this....! Life can be sometimes muddy especially when it is shallow, but it clears and as it grows deeper, it becomes crystal clear with a tinge of blue! Nice prologue to your life's story!

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Yoonoos Peerbocus 28 August 2020

my deep inner heart is still innocent.....befitting analogy

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