Arithmetic Of Love Poem by Suresh Kumar EK

Arithmetic Of Love

Rating: 5.0

You are one,
I am also one.

One plus one
Is not two, but
Equals everything.

Two minus one
Is not one but
Equals nothing.

Only addition,
No subtraction.

This is new maths,
Arithmetic of love.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: love and art
Kostas Lagos 29 September 2020

A different lesson in mathematics! Perfect!

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Sharad Bhatia 29 September 2020

Really fantastic arithmetic equation about love, all are equal. Thankyou for sharing such a beautiful poem. 100+

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Indira Renganathan 29 September 2020

Very interesting math calculation....lovely poem 10/10

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Soran M. H 02 October 2020

2 lovers with one soul, fantastic poetic expression.. Regards

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Shaija kt 08 October 2020

What a poetic calculation and expression of love

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AFFAQ NABI 29 June 2024

A great piece of art....Congrat.....

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Dr Dillip K Swain 20 February 2022

A lovely poem. I liked the arithmetic of love so much.......5 stars

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Dr Antony Theodore 17 December 2020

Wonderful maths of love arithmatic. just fine dear poet. tony

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Sk Nambiar 15 December 2020

Romantically Mathematic Superb

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Geeta Radhakrishna Menon 24 November 2020

The new Math -the arithmetic of love is both interesting and intriguing. Thank you Poet Suresh.

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