Meeting The Girl Between The Stars And Moon (Part 1 - Unfinished) Poem by Ace Of Black Hearts

Meeting The Girl Between The Stars And Moon (Part 1 - Unfinished)

Between the stars and the moon.
Is something special.
A window into our future.
A window into our past.
What if I told you I'm meeting someone.
Right there.
With a spaceship I'll fly.
Zoom, zoom.
Yes I stole this magical broom.
It is not my fault you know.
I had a break down on 86 and 1st.
It stalled and the cars started honking.
People started screaming.
Threating to get out and beat me with an inch of my life.
Lucky for me I seen this witch robbing some kids.
So I got out and while she was distracted.
Hopped on it.
It was like nothing I ever rode before.
I nearly went head first right off the damn thing.
She was running right behind me muttering some curse.
So I had to hurry.
And if I wanted to make it there on time I didn't have time to later on stop and get a flurry.
Driving it is a little more complicated then I originally thought.
Hitting magical gears just right, have you ever tried?
Speeding off like bat out of hell.
With radio playing jingle bells all the way.
It was kind of creepy.
I must say.
But seeing as it was only a broom if the cops do catch me.
It can't be considered either grand theft auto, or larceny.
Finally I got to the place.
This place was weird like a dull floating rock.
I never thought it would be easy to land.
But this thing had automatic parking and did it for me.
I wasn't sure how to lock it up.
I only hope no one notice it.
For I didn't have a way back, and I wasn't sure my girl had the time to help me out.
There was valet waiting, he asked me for my name.
Then he said follow me, and I did.
'So this the first time you been here? ' asked the valet.
No never been here before in my life.
Tell me do I have anything to worry about.

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