Mental Health Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

Mental Health

There may be exceptions,
On another planet yet to discover.
But no one here,
Living to claim they are thrilled.
And happy.
Knowing themselves,
Creators of opportunities.
And sit in positions,
To hire and fire whomever they please.
Would go to great lengths,
To intimidate and provoke others...
Far less fortunate.
Done to attempt to convince them,
They should be jealous and envious...
Of a quality of life,
They can only dream about.
But the reality of it,
Will continue to be out of their reach.

And then to exclaim of being threatened.
By the ones who they profile.
On a daily basis.
Watched for every move they make.
Whether in disadvantaged neighborhoods.
Showing up to take notes, pictures and videos.
To later return to the comfort of their homes.
Doing their best to imitate,
Everything they have seen.
With this to do to then tell derogatory jokes.
About 'those' folks...
Doing all they can to make ends meet!

No one.
With very few exceptions.
Claiming to be happy with their lives.
Would go to great lengths to provoke others.
With an attempt to convince them,
That the reason they are being profiled.
And on a daily basis.
Is because they fear their quality of life,
Has begun to become threatened.
By those minding their own business.
With a doing of it while being compared,
To those who steal everything they have.
With it then to have it heard,
They are not qualified...
To create their own opportunities.
Without thieves, crooks and deceivers.
Feeling less insecure.
With it hoped one day,
They will find a way...
To accept the truth about themselves!

A minding their own business,
Has yet been put on their agenda.
With this kept to prioritize.
Or as a means to keep intact,
Their mental health.
Noticeably becoming less healthy.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: commentary
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