Mission Accomplished Poem by Mark Heathcote

Mission Accomplished

Rating: 4.0

Mission accomplished
let's love one another
sister and brother
mother and father
mission accomplished
let's love one another.

Freedom fighter
rabble-rouser inciter
mission accomplished
let's love one another
mission accomplished
let's love one another.

Chaplain and preacher
terrorist and missionary worker
mission accomplished
the war is now over
mission accomplished
there's nothing left to fight over.

Every stone has been turned over
there's not a shadow left to smoulder
there's not a crossing blade of light
to fight back against this eternal night
mission accomplished
let's love one another.

Let's turn over the ashes
and remember the fire
of our teary eyelashes
let's remember the pyre
mission accomplished
let's love one another.

Mission accomplished
let's love one another
mission accomplished
let's love one another
where did all those people go
once they roamed everywhere
much like buffalo?

Mission accomplished
let's love one another
sister and brother
mother and father
mission accomplished
Let's love one another once again.

Mission accomplished
let's love one another
freedom fighter
rabble-rouser inciter
mission accomplished
let's love one another once again.

I guess I must be dreaming.
no one is crying
no one screaming
no one is killing.

I guess I must be dreaming.
Mission accomplished
let's love one another once again.
Do you get to feel the healing, too?

Saturday, December 3, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: poem
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