I love you, my friend
My girlfriend, standing before the masses
Speaking from the arena, with the clashes
Peering into her soul
With eyes shut firm, keeping the whole decontrolled world at bay
For grey waters would seep, down from above
Down from love-clouds, down from my angels face
Down to the crowds below, her grace
Proclaiming the cry, in your message, of love and heart breakage
Pain of loss, blaring with feeling and caring
Pain from the time and rhyming distance
For I know the truth, the messages you speak of
For I know our hurt, we share
Soon my love we will be whole caring and
Together, again
For I love you
Till worlds end
Past the milk-way and around the bend
Till it's time to come home again
T. Plotz
My Angles Face
Feb.28 2015
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
This is amazing Thomas! Love the ending.