I love you, my friend
My girlfriend, standing before the masses
Speaking from the arena, with the clashes
Peering into her soul
The Lovely Moon shines
On your rare, skin bare
Blinding me with - illumination of your beauty
Lost without question
The truth will make you shake
Lost without Hope
The sun will make you bake
Light shimmering through the old
Fox Ridge Pines,
Dancing between, the needles of time.
I have read, all the poems you posted.
I have heard, the songs you sung.
I'm trying to find you too.
I'm trying to find, what I have missed.
Bacon oh bacon, gelatinous goodness, smoky, salted taste.
Cooking slow; till your perfection. Baking Bacon; in the land of Lincoln, at early morning light. Sizzling bacon, crackling in a cast iron pan; rendering the fat down with delight. Cooking slowly, concentrating the bacon flavor. Filling your home with aroma; drops of vapor, drift from room to room, with a peaceful alarm. You're not mistaken, when waken with bacon. The scent alerting your family members and pets, to wake up and make hast, to the table.
Bacon, pick your flavor, pick your cut. Thick cut, thin cut, super thick, Canadian. Try fully cooked, apple wood, cherry wood, or hardwood. Making bacon the way you want.
Forgive me please, for what I might say,
For I'm shrouded with the loss; of thought and knowledge,
Locked deep in the keep, below,
In the inner compartments of my mind,
Two blue Jays
In the naked tree
Casting there hungry
Eyes, down at me
You’re my Rock, my forever love
Promise to me on Mt. High, with blue sky
Among the tall green grasses, tasting sweet
Sweeting treat flavor, of your love
Today I stood with buffalo
Upon their rock, in the sun
Walked steadfast along the snow melted byway
High along the ledge, pledging myself to you
It's time, to pray
With another beginning
For us to stay
With everlasting love
Now April spring time has arrived
The cherry blossoms are making there show
With scents and color, streaks tied with a bow
Lay here and dream with me
Hold me tight
Through the night
We will put your fear at rest
Need to drive to the
Top of the hill
Where the tall pines stand
To feed my sole, by taking a stroll
This isn't done - My Sun My Baby
Everything - is left, to do
Our Promise, from on top of the hill
Still, needs to be filled
Your the one, I run for
The reason I come home
My wheels aren't turning fast enough
Needing to soar high and roam
Baby, my head hurts from the lack of you
My heart tearing apart in two
I’m seeing swallows darting in the sky
I’m asking why…
The windmill have ended, their blaring arrival
Twirling down with a gust of wind
Tan, winged blades, flying in air
I’m sure the Wright brothers received the flaring idea of flight from,
I enjoy writing, photography, arts, and outdoor actives.)
My Angels Face
I love you, my friend
My girlfriend, standing before the masses
Speaking from the arena, with the clashes
Peering into her soul
With eyes shut firm, keeping the whole decontrolled world at bay
For grey waters would seep, down from above
Down from love-clouds, down from my angels face
Down to the crowds below, her grace
Proclaiming the cry, in your message, of love and heart breakage
Pain of loss, blaring with feeling and caring
Pain from the time and rhyming distance
For I know the truth, the messages you speak of
For I know our hurt, we share
Soon my love we will be whole caring and
Together, again
For I love you
Till worlds end
Past the milk-way and around the bend
Till it's time to come home again
T. Plotz
My Angles Face
Feb.28 2015
It's all about family's love, and keeping memories. Without your memories, you lose who you are.
You have met thousands, and to each of them your world and actions are a little different. For no-one acts perfectly the same for everyone they meet. Everyone we meet will change us. Everything we learn will change us; our world will be forever changed. For this day and the all others, we are always changing.
If you cry in the rain, does it count at all; with all the other rain fall.
El agua que cae es hermosa y triste - The water that falls is beautiful and sad
Ahh, Coffee, that holds everything together and grounds you.