My Birthday Poem by Frankie Stones

My Birthday

Rating: 2.8

They had broken what i thought was a joyous day. A birthday one of the happiest of the year and yet they crushed me. I was reduced to nothing and yet earlier that day both had been so nice but now so cruel it broke my heart i loved them both but they didn’t see that they saw what they wanted to. Killing me softly inside. My soul had hidden and died. My eyes were wide and watery, and looking in them you would find the deep despair that had been left behind it seemed like they didn’t care which broke my heart he said he loved me. That i was the only one for him. He said he loved me more than any other girl but if he loved me so much why put me through so much pain killing me with his words. Turning everyone i held dear against me. I had few but hated many. I was lost nowhere to go to turn i needed that someone and after my endless searching i thought i had found the one to be ripped to shreds by the teeth of his bitterness. His hate must have exploded and after doing nothing but love him i was the one he choose to attack. I wanted to say it was alright but it wasn’t in my disappointment of someone i thought would fare so well my body seemed to come to a Holt. Only just having enough energy to write this page. I couldn’t believe him all the things i done given up gone through so i could be with him, and to have it thrown back hurt. I had given up so much and him so little, and i was the one made out to be the bad guy. Because i wouldn’t stay with a man who only wanted one thing. My birthday ruined for another’s pleasure

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