My Dear ~ Moja Draga Poem by Jankovic Zoran

My Dear ~ Moja Draga

My dear, with a knife
from the letters
You hurt me above my heart.
I fought for a life
but I did not learn anything.
The Time cleared ugly
memories when you love.

You hit me again
but this time slowly
over two years of The lies.
I knew I kept silent.

I survived because of
when true love is born
she never dies.
It's not the night lamp
so you shut it down and burn.
The Love is eternity
or does not exist.

Some wounds are healing in the time
but there are memories of pain
and those who made them,
even when the one who had
the knife of letters in his hand
dies in wounds from memory, My dear.


Moja draga

Moja draga, nožem od slova
si me ubola iznad srca.
Borio sam se za život
ali ništa nisam naučio.
Vrijeme izbriše ružna
sjećanja kad voliš.

Ubadala si me ponovo
ali ovog puta polako
tokom dvije godine laži
koje sam znao a ćutao sam.

Preživio sam zato što
kad se prava ljubav rodi
ona nikad ne umire.
Nije ona noćna lampa
pa da je ugasiš i pališ.
Ljubav je vječnost
ili ne postoji.

Neke rane vremenom zarastu
ali ostaju uspomene na bol
i onoga ko ih je napravio,
čak i kad onaj što je imao nož
od slova u ruci umre u ranama
od sjećanja, Moja draga.

Monday, January 28, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: dear
Jankovic Zoran

Jankovic Zoran

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