My Heart's In The Highlands Poem by Robert Burns

My Heart's In The Highlands

Rating: 3.2

Farewell to the Highlands, farewell to the North,
The birth-place of Valour, the country of Worth;
Wherever I wander, wherever I rove,
The hills of the Highlands for ever I love.

My heart's in the Highlands, my heart is not here;
My heart's in the Highlands a-chasing the deer;
A-chasing the wild-deer, and following the roe,
My heart's in the Highlands wherever I go.

Farewell to the mountains high covered with snow;
Farewell to the straths and green valleys below;
Farewell to the forests and wild-hanging woods;
Farewell to the torrents and loud-pouring floods.

My heart's in the Highlands, my heart is not here;
My heart's in the Highlands a-chasing the deer;
A-chasing the wild-deer, and following the roe,
My heart's in the Highlands wherever I go.

Andrew Matthews 06 February 2009

I love all of rabbie's stuff, but this is by far my favourite of them, my hearts up there too.

43 3 Reply
Chinedu Dike 10 May 2015

Beautiful train of thoughts, well articulated and nicely penned with conviction. Thanks for sharing.

11 5 Reply
Kim Barney 10 May 2015

A man after my own heart. I love the highlands also, and I enjoy most of Robbie's poems. This one is no exception.

12 3 Reply
Paul Reed 10 May 2015

The love of places is a great source of inspiration for poetry

12 1 Reply
Debilas 16 May 2018

This is shit

6 7 Reply
Sylvia Frances Chan 22 September 2024

TWO: by Poem Hunter and Team as The Modern POem Of The Day.5 Stars

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Sylvia Frances Chan 22 September 2024

ONE: Nostalgia and love for the Scottish Highlands. The speaker laments leaving his homeland and expresses a deep longing to return. CONGRATS being chosen

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Dr Antony Theodore 22 October 2020

My heart's in the Highlands, my heart is not here; My heart's in the Highlands a-chasing the deer; A-chasing the wild-deer, and following the roe, My heart's in the Highlands wherever I go. A great poem of Burns.. tony

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Roger 03 February 2020

Rabbi Burns, what clan was he in?

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lesya 26 August 2019

wonderful, lovely poem, so is the translation in Ukrainian by M.Lukash if only you could see it)

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Robert Burns

Robert Burns

Ayrshire / Scotland
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