My Lost Self. Poem by Vin Ace

My Lost Self.

Is this me? Who really is this?
Who is this that I see before me?
Who is this person that I have become?
Who is this that these scores tell of?
How did my world turn upside-down?
Is this the same me who started this call?

I cannot see a semblance of myself in me.
The me I was, like a figment of my imagination.
My self-worth is now like a rag on the floor,
My belief in myself that once was, is gone.
Did I do this destruction to myself?
These injuries I see, did I inflict on myself.

Well in retrospect, yes this all is on me,
I have been and I am my worst enemy.
I am the bringer of danger to myself,
And I have brought out the worst in myself.
Picking up my pieces now, so much pain I feel,
I have fallen, my life by myself like a tree I fell.

Let me pick up my shambles off the floor,
Let me piece together my life that once was.
I can't sulk further, what's done is done.
But truly this pain is not nearly gone.
I have to pick up myself and restart this run.
I cannot and never again have this result

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