My Love, My Husband Poem by Rebecca Dutsch

My Love, My Husband

Rating: 5.0

In promises of winter end,
was our beginning.

My aching heart beats quicker at the mention of your name.
My soul longs for your touch.

The evening descends; on great owl wings.
I am calmed by your aromas;
It carries me into the dawn;
and your eyes hold me as none before.

I am filled hoping I may be the desire of your heart.
As my lips fall upon yours,
may you know you are my heart desire?

I look for the last gestures of winter end.
I remember my husband,
our day we became as one.

Those years have passed us by,
I still remember that winter day;
as it was yesterday.

My feverish hand lifts to your face.
that we may kiss as one.
We walk hand to hand as husband and wife.
As We began our life a new,
until my last dying breathe.
I Love You.

My Love, My Husband
Monday, April 30, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: love and dreams
Naila Rais 01 May 2018

A nice write... Keep it up.... Read my poem In the mid of the night depression you are killing me too.... Naila

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Jazib Kamalvi 01 May 2018

A good start with a nice poem, Rebecca D. You may like to read my poem, Love And Iust. Thank you.

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Very good poem. Best of Luck to you and your husband.

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Chinedu Dike 30 April 2018

Fine and lofty love poem, conveying deep passionate feelings written with clarity of thought and mind. Well thought out and beautifully crafted in persuasive expressions with conviction. Thanks for sharing Rebecca and do remain enriched.

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Rebecca Dutsch 01 May 2018

Thank you Chinedu

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