My Poems Poem by ESPN CHICK

My Poems

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The poems I write symbolizes how I feel
The pain that I have been through
The grief the mistakes
Everything you can imagine
I write love poems
There not real but there about my fantasy's
Just cause I never had a boyfriend
Don't mean I can't write about love
I write about the sadness I've gone through
My grandpa dying took away my breathe
So I wrote poem to grieve
By writing I get away
I sit all alone in my room
Thinking of what to write
Writing so I can escape this so called life
Its not to get attention its to get my feelings out
Its so the whole world can see a different me
I may not be the perfect one but I have words
That I want to express
I may not get people's attention
But when they see the things I've written
There hearts will break into when they read about
death and me wanting to die.

*Trusting You* 25 May 2009

another piece of your work that makes me want to write... hummm thoughts.... this says me all over it. I love it girl. good job. Becca

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Ying Escalona 03 December 2007

That is true Espie....these is about playing and juggling thoughts...and trascribing the feelings into words is a God-given talent...thaks for sharing your are great

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