My Regimen Poem by Randy McClave

My Regimen

I don't ever smoke and I don't ever drink
And always before I eat, I always first think
Everyday, I enjoy to exercise and to run,
And I enjoy to swim and hike, which is fun.
I don't ever eat any type of junk or fast food
I enjoy vegetables which are steamed or stewed
And I take my vitamins and I drink fresh water everyday,
And for my good health to God, I constantly pray.
I exercise to stay in my very best shape
From a frantic world of evils and bad health I did escape
Wherever that I go or whatever that I might do
In good health and wisdom, I finally and patiently grew.
The Devil one day found out about my regimen
So, he sent me a woman to cause me stress, anger and sin
He did it while being devious and stealthy,
He wants me to die hurt and poor and unhealthy.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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