My Sapphire Is Always With Me: Poem by Liza Sud

My Sapphire Is Always With Me:

Rating: 5.0

My Sapphire is always with me:
on my chest, in my eyes and in front,
under breeze that's caressed by my hand,
He is holy, like knives are his beams.

My sapphire is like the night dawn,
he is gentle as dew in the leaves,
it is as the betrayal's pink stalk
who became blue carat in return.

My sapphire is a delicate thread
between Him who can not help but be,
between Him who is always in bliss,
With our prayer - we're just sometimes wtih Him.

My Sapphire's the Word of the King,
He retook me forever from you
Won me back from You, Daniel, you!
And shines in stars of fire to me.

It's only the sapphire whom I Love,
He's my angel, my guardian, my God!
This Sapphire has broken the ring,
ring of Liza and Daniel Brick.

Мой сапфир все время со мной:
на груди, в глазах, впереди,
под ласкающей ветер рукой,
И он свят, и лучи - как ножи.

Мой сапфир - как ночная заря,
и он нежен, как в листьях роса,
он как розовый стебель измен,
ставший синим каратом взамен.

Мой сапфир - это тонкая нить
между Тем, кто не может не быть,
между Тем, кто в блаженстве всегда,
И мы с ним без молитв - иногда.

Мой сапфир - это слово Царя,
он меня отобрал навсегда
у тебя, Даниэль, у тебя,
и сияет мне в звездах огня.

Мой Сапфир - я люблю лишь его!
Он мой ангел, хранитель, мой Бог!
Он кольцо смог навеки разбить
кольцо 'Лиза и Дэниэль Брик'.

Thursday, September 15, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: breaking up
Ravinder Soni 15 September 2016

Very touching, well expressed, thoughtful and meaningful.

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Kumarmani Mahakul 15 September 2016

My sapphire is a delicate thread...My Sapphire's the Word of the King, My sapphire is God and he is my love and everything. Very nice poem is composed.10

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