My School Day Poem by Randy McClave

My School Day

I woke myself up because we don't have an alarm clock
I then searched in the laundry basket looking for a matching sock,
Breakfast was cereal and milk after I found myself a spoon
But, first I turned on the television so my sister could watch a cartoon.
I rushed to the bathroom to find myself an outfit to wear
I brushed my hair in the dark, because the bulb is broke in there,
Then I got my baby sister fed and ready and then finally dressed
Cause mama ain't home from her job, which having she is very blessed.
I got my sister and me both to school and once again on time
Today neither one of us will be standing in the tardy line,
So, we both head to our classes so that we can know and then learn
A good education my mama always said we both should proudly earn.
I got to my class and my teacher began to grumble and fuss
I could almost sense under his breath that he wanted to cuss,
Just because I forgot my school supply utensil
Just because, I ain't got no pencil.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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